Abstract submissions and presentation

What to submit

Researchers interested in giving a presentation are invited to submit a short abstract of one paragraph (roughly five sentences) and a set of at most 10 slides corresponding to the presentation that they intend to give. The purpose of the short abstract is to allow the participants to choose between parallel tracks. Acceptance of a presentation will be based both on the quality of research, the fit with the workshop theme and the expected level of engagingness of the presentation.

About the presentations

During the era of online conferences, we have observed that short presentations tend to be more engaging and easier to follow for the audiences sitting for long hours behind their screens. Therefore, we would like to ask speakers to give presentations of no more than 10 minutes. Each talk is allocated a time slot of 15 minutes. Presentations will not be recorded.

Preparing your presentation for submission

  1. The submitted presentation should not consist of more than 10 slides.
  2. The submitted presentation should be a pdf file.
  3. If your submission is accepted, the final presentation is allowed to deviate slightly from the submitted version. For instance, typo’s may be corrected, or new research results may be incorporated. We imagine that at the time of submission, the final results might not yet be available. In that case you can enter the table, graph, etc. that you wish to present, and leave the contents blanc.
  4. If you fear that the purpose of a slide might not be clear to a reviewer, you may add a small note to the slide with a clarification. In that case, start the note with NTR: (Note To Reviewer:).

Slides can be submitted here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tsl2021